Why entrust us with the management of your property?
Interház was established with the aim of helping more than twenty years of project management experience and trained professionals to manage the condominium communities with domestic and international ownership, to offer optimal, reliable solutions for the operation of residential buildings.
Az ingatlan minden tulajdonos számára a legbecsesebb vagyontárgyak közé tartozik, ezért nem mindegy, hogy ki és hogyan vigyáz rá, miként gyarapítja értékét. A személyes tapasztalatunk ugyanakkor azt mutatja, hogy a társasházkezelés – bár az utóbbi időben sokat fejlődött-, az egyre gyorsuló gazdasági, műszaki, jogi kihívásokkal egyelőre nem tudott lépést tartani.
That is why we are determined to offer high quality, complex services for those communities which, puts emphasis on continuous, direct communication, balanced management and operation.
- Overall property administration
- Representing the interests of the condominium
- Active communication with the local and international owners
- Participation in decision-making, convening general meetings, implementing resolutions
- Economic, legal, technical proposal making, project management
- Development of budgetary and exploitation plan
- Preparation of annual report
- Transparent bookkeeping, finance
- Economic due diligence, cost rationalization
- Collection of common charges, debt management
- Organize smooth operation
- Renovation and maintenance planning
- Technical condition survey, organization and inspection of subcontractors
- Authorities administration
- Customer service
- Carrying out and amend a condominium Deed of Foundation
- Legal compliance of Organisational and Operational Regulations, Data Protection and Fire Protection Policy
- Exacting debts
- Provide adequate expertise in litigation and out-of-court procedures
- Tender monitoring, planning
- Regular cleaning of common areas
- Garden care, lawn mowing, irrigation system maintenance, pruning, flower bed care
How shall we start our cooperation?
If the community decides to entrust the Interház with the management of the property, this requires a resolution of the general meeting, the main decision-making body of the condominium, which is feasible in two ways in accordance with the formal requirements prescribed by the Condominium Act.
• On the one hand, it can be managed at the annual General Meeting. Any owner may, in consultation with the current representative, initiate the inclusion on the agenda the resolutions proposal containing his/her dismissal and the election of Interház.
• On the other hand, the residential community can also convene the General Meeting. This is possible if owners with at least 1/10 of the ownership request it in writing. In this case, the current representative shall have 30 days to convene the General Meeting. If the current representative fails within 30 days, the Audit Committee shall have the opportunity to do so within 15 days which, but if it also fails to do so, thence any owner shall be entitled to convene the General Meeting.
Ask for our offer with a free consultation, which includes a personal discussion and
site visit of the condominium.
About us
We have also experienced when the affairs of the real estate are not going in the normal course, the problems of the real estate are not settled, the representative is inaccessible. Insufficient bookkeeping, neglected maintenance, accumulated receivables are all burdens that do not serve the interests of the owners.
We believe that the smooth operation of the real estate is based on efficient management, technical stability and legal background. The solution is Interház, which, with its team of economists, technical and legal experts, decades of project management experience, provides reliable complex services to domestic and international owners.
Company registration number: 01-06-796842
Tax number: 29306123-1-43
Registration Number: 100764/2021.